Where do I begin. Matt and I are fraternity Brothers (Delta Sigma Pi). He and I were close during my last semester at Mason. He and Kristi had met at Mason and started dating only a few weeks before I met Matt and started pledging DSP. They are both go-getters - Matt the President of DSP and Kristi the President of Gamma Phi Beta, her sorority.
Shortly after college, Kristi started working with me at the Department of State and we carpooled together. Stuck is 66 traffic for an hour+ each day with her made my days MUCH easier. We really got to know each other during these few months. She was one of the first people to know I was pregnant and I knew almost right away when they got engaged. I couldn't be MORE thrilled for the two of them.
They are absolutely perfect for each other!
When she booked this session with me, she told me she wanted to do a cake smash because they didn't do it at their wedding. I couldn't be more excited. I thought "what a great idea"! It was a smash and the pictures turned out great.
Kristi and Matt - I have enjoyed being a part of your life together and I am glad you are a part of mine. Congrats on your happy life! I hope you two live a lifetime full of love and memories. - E