Monday, December 3, 2012

My Favorites from 2012

Now that I am officially closed until 2013 for maternity leave I have put together a blog of my favorite shots of 2012. Looking back at my sessions I can see how much I have grown and learned during the year and I cannot wait to be able to practice on my family during my time off.
Let's start with my favorite newborn pictures. I really love sibling pictures and lifestyle pictures, which are both included in my favorites. Little features are important to capture so that you never forget their little toes, nose, ears, fingers, or belly button too.

Next are my maternity sessions. Pregnancy is such an amazing part of life and it should be captured. No matter if it's your 1st or your 8th, a few shots should be taken to remember each pregnancy. Each baby is different during pregnancy and birth so remembering each time you carried and supported that life is important to me.

My new favorite sessions are couples. This includes engagement or anniversary. When you find that special person you must capture the love and bond you two share. I love the new tradition of yearly portraits for your anniversary. What better way to celebrate your love?
Are you one of those people who don't want to spend money on pictures of your family? or do you not want to be reminded of the 10 lbs you have gained or the baby weight you haven't been able to lose? Why? Coming from experience your children will want to remember their mother or father no matter what size you are. It might end up being too late to capture your family on film and you will wish you had started to have family portraits done each year or every other year. Even a mini session can produce amazing shots that you will never forget and become a work of art hanging on your walls. I appreciate all the pictures my mom took and saved of my sister and me growing up. Don't let time slip away.
and even if YOU don't want to be in some of the pictures, make your children a work of art and just have their beauty and innocence captured. Children are magical little people with curiosity and adventure that need to be captured. I enjoy a session where I have to work for a good shot or two. My favorite sessions are the ones where I chase children around an open field and I leave tired because of working with your child. I am used to it because of my own son.
Last but my absolute FAVORITE sessions to shoot are boudoir. What a better way to boost your confidence and surprise yourself or your significant other. I have taken MANY of these portraits but my clients have asked me not to post them, which I respect. But I have to tell you each session I have shoot has amazing results with many notes from husbands, boyfriends and clients themselves telling me how amazing the pictures were and how gorgeous I made each woman look. No that is not the case. Each woman is gorgeous. All I do is focus on your assets. There is nothing more rewarding than a note telling me how appreciative a client is for the portraits I took for them. If you have ever considered these types of portraits, I will make you feel comfortable the entire time and you will not regret having these done.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

She said yes...

My dear friend, who I have known for seven years, got engaged. Amber and  I met in college while attending George Mason University for our undergrad. We were both in the school of Management and had a few classes together. After graduation we stayed in touch and have become great friends.
I hosted her master's graduation party and a few weeks later she introduced me to Kyle. I didn't think he would be the one but as the months went on I waited and waited for her to announce that they were engaged. Two years later, it happened! I couldn't be more excited for Kyle and Amber and I cannot wait for the wedding.
I was honored when she asked me to shoot their engagement pictures. We had fun but were a little upset when we showed up to shoot on the tracks and there was construction! O well we did our best!

Congratulations...I can't wait until March!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Expecting pink and she came QUICK

A girl friend of mine was expecting her first little bundle of pink so I snapped a few shots for her, thinking we had plenty of time left.
We were wrong...
4 days after I photographed her and her beautiful baby bump she delivered a gorgeous, healthy little girl, 4 weeks early!

These are the newborn shots I was able to take before my baby is here.
Congrats Ashley and Justin. She is gorgeous!

Holiday Mini Sessions

I had many clients contact me regarding sessions for the holidays. Since I am expecting my second child I knew I couldn't do all the sessions that people were requesting and decided to hold two days of mini sessions. I was pleased to shoot 8 families over these two days and enjoyed spending time getting to know all of them. Check out the mini session sneaks below.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall Mini Sessions

I am planning on being maternity leave with my new little girl and two year old son during the entire month of December, January and part of February. So before I official close for leave I wanted to offer mini sessions to squeeze in everyone that wanted to book with me for the holidays or other. I decided to offer fall mini sessions and two days of holiday mini sessions. I had four families come out for the fall sessions and I love how all of them turned out. I was surprised at how well I did and how classic these pictures came out as well. I was afraid they would SCREAM halloween but they don't. Check them out.
First up the Sines family. Four children under five! Wow, I thought this would be a difficult session and although it wasn't as smooth as MOST sessions I shoot these kids were cooperative and pretty easy for the most part. The baby is such a sweetie pie and is an absolute doll. I could shoot him all day long and wouldn't mind looking at his sweet face.

Second was a high school friend of mine and her gorgeous little 4 year old (5 now). This kid was so full of energy I chased him around the field trying to get a good picture. He just wanted to play all day. I love this kids adventure, curiosity and HAIR!

Next up is a family I have worked with in the past but it was them and their extended family. The first time I met them their little girl was not happy and I never got to see her smile. Today was a different day and she is the sweetest, most precious little girl ever. Her sister loves her dearly, too. Having a sister I know there is nothing like having a sister.

And finally, I captured a new family of four. Baby P is about 2 months old and has an older sister who is so sweet, beautiful and very helpful for mommy when it comes to her baby sister. Madison posed for me like she had been modeling since birth. It started to get windy and the girls didn't want to be outside anymore but I got some great pictures of the family.

I cannot wait for the next series of mini sessions in November. Come back to check those out too.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Jacob's Cake Smash

I have had the honor of working with this beautiful family three times now. I captured their special time as a family of three when Jacob was first born. Now a year later I am able to capture his one year cake smash and portraits. He is such a sweetie. I showed up to their home and he was napping so I waited patiently for him to wake. When he did he was all smiles and ready to shoot. I had a wonderful time with him and his momma.

What a handsome boy.
With the beautiful woman who gave him life.
 Before and after of the cake smash.
Really digging in...
Literally the "sweetest" toes.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Happy 1st Ashlynn

My youngest niece turned 1 on July 18th and I, of course, took the opportunity to have a mini photo session and cake smash. Ashlynn is the youngest of five children and has really become such a sweetie pie. Her birth was the only one that I was in the delivery room for, with my sister. She didn't want to let go of my finger that day and she really loves her auntie. She has had a rough time with her ears since she was born but has overcome that and wasn't a both during her ear infections to most people around her. She likes the pool and being around her brothers and sisters. Happy Birthday my sweet niece. I look forward to celebrating many more years with you.

She refused to wear anything in her hair but I was able to get 2 shots of her with a bow and she forgot about everything else when she got into the cake. She wasn't into the cake like some kids but she still had fun.

She really enjoyed the bath time clean up after the cake.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Big Sister Ella and baby Avery

What dolls these girls are. I went over early so that I could get in good with Ella. Although I have seen her and AJ has played with her more than once she hadn't warmed up to me as much as I wanted for this session. I brought her favorite treat and I think that won her over. She was such an amazing little girl the entire session telling me all about her sister Avery.

Luke and Levi

It was a hot 103 degrees out yesterday but I still went to shoot these sweet boys, OUTSIDE. They were so easy and cooperative that we were finished with such AMAZING pictures in about 20 minutes. Luke was helpful with everything during the session and Levi didn't fuss once. By the end of the session this mama was dripping with sweat but was pleased with this session.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kristi and Matt - 1 year Anniversary

Where do I begin. Matt and I are fraternity Brothers (Delta Sigma Pi). He and I were close during my last semester at Mason. He and Kristi had met at Mason and started dating only a few weeks before I met Matt and started pledging DSP. They are both go-getters - Matt the President of DSP and Kristi the President of Gamma Phi Beta, her sorority.

Shortly after college, Kristi started working with me at the Department of State and we carpooled together. Stuck is 66 traffic for an hour+ each day with her made my days MUCH easier. We really got to know each other during these few months. She was one of the first people to know I was pregnant and I knew almost right away when they got engaged. I couldn't be MORE thrilled for the two of them.

They are absolutely perfect for each other!

When she booked this session with me, she told me she wanted to do a cake smash because they didn't do it at their wedding. I couldn't be more excited. I thought "what a great idea"! It was a smash and the pictures turned out great.

Kristi and Matt - I have enjoyed being a part of your life together and I am glad you are a part of mine. Congrats on your happy life! I hope you two live a lifetime full of love and memories. - E