My youngest niece turned 1 on July 18th and I, of course, took the opportunity to have a mini photo session and cake smash. Ashlynn is the youngest of five children and has really become such a sweetie pie. Her birth was the only one that I was in the delivery room for, with my sister. She didn't want to let go of my finger that day and she really loves her auntie. She has had a rough time with her ears since she was born but has overcome that and wasn't a both during her ear infections to most people around her. She likes the pool and being around her brothers and sisters. Happy Birthday my sweet niece. I look forward to celebrating many more years with you.
She refused to wear anything in her hair but I was able to get 2 shots of her with a bow and she forgot about everything else when she got into the cake. She wasn't into the cake like some kids but she still had fun.
She really enjoyed the bath time clean up after the cake.
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