Friday, May 18, 2012

Review of last year #1 (April-June)

I wanted to display my favorite picture captured during each session I had over the past year. Problem is I have 57 sessions to cover. So I am going to do it by quarter. Stay tuned over the next few posts to see them all.

My very first session was someone who was recommended by my friend Catherine. She knew I was just starting to get into the business and wanted to use me anyway. This is my favorite picture from the session.

My second session seriously impressed even myself. After this session I KNEW I was meant for photography. Even though it was family (my sister) I knew I had to prove myself not just for her but for myself and my growth as a photographer.

These are a few more I had taken for friends to get practice.

                                                                  ....a graduation

...a 2 year portrait session

...a 10 month old session

                                                                 ...and a family session.

After these I was asked to shoot my first wedding. It was for a very good friend of mine and I was proud. I of course agreed but so nervous and was so afraid of messing up. Although I know I could have done better with more practice I am still proud of my work.

A co-worker was given a much deserved new position and had bought her own home! As a house warming and Congratulations, I decided I would do a photo shoot for her and her kids.

Ummm Can you say GORGEOUS?!

I also agreed to shoot my friends twins while I was in Richmond for a wedding. This was one of the most difficult session I did at first because well they are twins and BOYS. But they were fun and kept me on my toes.


And last but not least for this blog was my dear friends engagement session. I was just in their wedding on May 5 and it was gorgeous. I was honored to have my work on the save the date, as their guest book and hanging on their walls at home.

Keep looking for more pictures...

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